Want A Proven Digital Marketing Expert To Help You Grow Your Business Faster?

With Multi-Million Dollar Successes To Her Credit - Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Trust Cindy Chapman. 

Here’s Why You Should Book Your Free Blueprint Call Today…

Cindy Chapman helps businesses
Grow their revenues with online marketing

Book Your Complimentary Blueprint Call Today to Receive A FREE “Profit Growth Analysis” Worth $495!

This 7-Point Analysis Reveals Your Fastest Path to Converting More Leads To Customers And Elevating Your Online Brand 

Book your complimentary Blueprint Call by calling (619) 200-2090 or entering your information below.
Dear Business Owner or Entrepreneur,

When it comes to online marketing, the ground shifts beneath your feet almost daily. 

New platforms emerge, algorithms update, and consumer behaviors change with dizzying speed. 

For busy business owners like you, keeping pace with these changes isn't just challenging—it's nearly impossible. 

While you're juggling the demands of running your business, the digital marketing playbook keeps being rewritten, leaving you in a constant game of catch-up.

Enter Chapman Creative

Hi, I’m Cindy Chapman, Founder of Chapman Marketing Group.
We’re your one-stop shop for all things digital marketing.

We have a proven track record of taking hidden gems and turning them into dominant players in their market, multiplying revenue many times over.

If you’re looking for a custom marketing solution that delivers results, look no further.

Our Services Include:

  • Strategy that sticks (Ready to stop guessing and start growing? We craft game plans that cut through the noise)
  • Compelling video content (From storyboards to shares, our videos don’t just get watched, they get remembered)
  • Engaging social media (Say goodbye to getting crickets back when you post! Our organic tactics make your business part of the conversation)
  • ​Innovative email marketing (For more opens, clicks, and sales every time you push ‘send’!)
  • ​Paid media that pays off (Every dollar you spend should come back with friends! This is critical to scaling your business)
  • ​Search engine optimization that puts you on the map (Make sure your customers find you when they’re at their most ready to buy)
  • ​Web development (We create breathtaking websites that elevate your brand and convert more leads to paying customers)
  • ​Analytics that mean something (No more data for data’s sake. We’ll help you translate numbers into action, guiding your strategy with real insights)
Choose any service above a la carte, or based on the custom strategy I create for you. 

As a former long-time Chief Marketing Officer for two leading health brands, I bring strategy and execution together, ensuring your project gets done on time and on budget.

In this way, you can leverage the cutting-edge marketing digital techniques I’ve helped pioneer to stay ahead of the competition.

From copywriting and video editing to SEO and social media, you’ll also be getting access to my elite rolodex of online marketing talent.

Results Matter

Here are a few of our recent success stories:

Jim, Fran, and Carli Dyer's Sylvan Learning Centers
Facing a dip in revenues, the Dyers teamed up with us to refresh their online presence. We identified the gaps in their online marketing, one of which was a lack of video content.
The result? A video testimonial ad that drove the most leads - at the lowest cost per lead - in a campaign targeting new (cold) audiences.

Steve Peterson, SEALFIT COO
In my time at SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind, we turned those brands into household names with an innovative approach. 
"Cindy played a key role in building these companies from the ground up," Steve says, highlighting how strategic marketing can create assets known worldwide.

Ben Greenfield's Wellness
In the wellness world, Ben Greenfield is known as a leader. Here’s what he had to say about us. "Cindy’s marketing skills rock, as does her ability to use them to meet the needs of an audience both online and in person." 
Truly, it’s your ability to connect and convert that makes all the difference.
However, a warning…

There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Formula

While there are certain principles, each business has their own unique blueprint to rapid profit growth. 

It’s why I invite you to book your complimentary Blueprint Call by calling (619) 200-2090 or entering your information below.

We’ll contact you to discuss your current situation and the best way to move forward — saving you time, money, and a ton of worry in the process.

Please note: I’m taking projects on a first come, first served basis and my schedule fills up quickly! So if you’re interested, let’s get the ball rolling today.

I’m here to help - and I look forward to speaking with you!


This 7-Point Analysis Reveals Your Fastest Path to Converting More Leads To Customers And Elevating Your Online Brand 
Book Your Complimentary Blueprint Call Today to Receive A FREE “Profit Growth Analysis” Worth $495!

More About Cindy

Cindy Chapman
Digital Marketing Strategist
Chapman Creative Group
Encinitas, CA
  • Spearheaded Multi-Million Dollar Growth for SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind
  • Launched the SpiritFreeChallenge, Gaining Attention from iHeart Radio and Times of San Diego
  • Led Marketing Strategies Resulting in Bestseller Campaigns for Major Publications
With over 20 years of experience in digital marketing, Cindy specializes in driving significant revenue growth using innovative online marketing. She holds a proven track record in sectors ranging from SaaS to real estate, health and wellness, and nonprofits.

She combines strategic planning with execution in video content, organic social media, email marketing, paid media management, SEO, web development, and analytics.

Her commitment to results have propelled companies like SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind to become multi-million dollar entities, showcasing her ability to not just meet but exceed her clients' digital marketing needs.
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